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I can safely say that working with Norma has not only led to an improvement in my singing voice and to my vocal goals and achievements, but an improvement in my overall approach to singing.

Norma is absolutely professional and is very dedicated and passionate about my goals and helping me to achieve them. She gave me free range to explore my real and authentic voice. With a sense of humour, she teaches with the best interest in mind!

She is a gifted and caring teacher. My husband and I cannot think of anyone who would have provided a more valuable return, in all ways tangible and otherwise, for our investment. ~ Andrea, mother of two students, 18 yrs.


Norma brings to her work with young people a passion for music. She has given countless hours to developing the skills of her students, with patience and encouragement, resulting in our two kids being offered university music programs at seven universities across the province ~Andrea

Norma is an exemplary teacher who works with her students to unlock their true potential. She works with each individual student to create a holistic approach that works for them, and allows them to succeed in reaching their goals. ~ Alka, young adult

I would recommend Norma to anyone who wants to not only increase their vocal prowess, but to grow as a singer and musician as well.

Norma, you're so talented, and such a great teacher and fun person generally. You have been exceptionally impressive these past few months, shifting to online teaching. You are able to give the same caliber of lessons and help your students so much. I feel like they are singing better than ever! ~ Mary, mother of Bob, 18 and Tommy, 17.